Rafał Ślusarz



Certyfikat Stowarzyszenia E-learningu Akademickiego przyznany Rafałowi Ślusarzowi Stowarzyszenie E-learningu Akademickiego
Rafałowi Ślusarzowi

Certyfikat E-Nauczyciela
nr 15/2013

Ceryfikat stanowi potwierdzenie kompetencji w zakresie tworzenia treści
oraz prowadzenia zajęć dydaktycznych z wykorzystaniem technik i metod
kształcenia na odległość.

Certyfikat został wydany na podstawie pozytywnej oceny złożonej aplikacji.
Oceny dokonała Kapituła Certyfikacyjna Stowarzyszenia.

Stowarzyszenia E-learningu Akademickiego
/-/ Marcin Dąbrowski

Warszawa, 15 lutego 2013 r.

Communication between students and academics - Certificate of Attendance Certificate of Attendance
Hereby we certify that
Rafał Ślusarz
has participated to the
STEM-CPD@EUni Erasmus+ Project µMOOC
Communication between students and academics
and has achieved Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):
- A participant will be able to communicate instructions efficiently without overloading (a student’s) working memory.
- A participant will be able to identify possible sources of misunderstanding in communication with students.
Held on-line on the Jagiellonian University Educational Platform Krakus
3–17 January 2022, Kraków, 25 January 2022
The Organizing Committee /-/ Iwona Maciejowska, Bartosz Trzewik
Working with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) students on STEM faculties - Certificate of Attendance Certificate of Attendance
Hereby we certify that
Rafał Ślusarz
has participated to the
STEM-CPD@EUni Erasmus+ Project µMOOC
Working with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) students on STEM faculties
and has achieved Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):
- A participant will be able to explain the specifies of autism spectrum disorder, basic ASD symptoms, and their influence on students everyday life and learning.
- A participant will be able to identify where students with ASD can go for help and what kind of support they can get, as well as if there is a place when lecturers can get support in working with ASD students.
- A participant will be able to propose strategies and adaptations, which may help students with ASD in their learning process.
Held on-line on the Jagiellonian University Educational Platform Krakus
18 November - 4 December 2022, Kraków, 8 December 2022
The Organizing Committee /-/ Iwona Maciejowska, Bartosz Trzewik
Top Cited Article, by Wiley, 2023 Wiley
Top Cited Article 2021-2022
Congratulations to:
Rafał Ślusarz
whose paper has been recognized as a top cited paper* in:
Prediction of protein assemblies, the next frontier: the CASP14‐CAPRI experiment
*Among work published in an issue between 1 January 2021 - 15 December 2022.


  Data ostatniej modyfikacji strony: 23.03.2023 r.